A Note From My Heart
When we set out to create The Happy Place my dream was that it would be a place that, when visited, would inspire and uplift. I wanted it to feel like a celebration. I hoped that by celebrating the things that brought me the greatest joy it would create space for all of you to focus on your version of your Happy Place. As time passed and I allowed myself the freedom to tell stories of not just my love of interior design, but my love for my family, entertaining, and really anything that put a smile on my face, I was amazed at how fulfilling the experience was.
As the months passed and life took the many twists and turns as it inevitably does, my storytelling ebbed and flowed. The loss of my father was really the first moment I faced wondering how on earth could I nurture a destination called The Happy Place when my heart was shattered into a million pieces. And that is when I took a step back and this little corner of the world that was born out of celebration took on new and even more meaningful depths. Life isn't always a celebration, but I found myself searching for the light. Clinging to the bright spot in the darkest of moments.
On November 9, my father crossed over and that fracture became a defining moment in my life. There was everything that happened in my life before he left his physical body and everything after. All the while hearing his voice telling me that everything was going to be ‘ok’. I know that is him, wanting nothing more than for me to be ok. But it is also a sign of his strength, his faith, and his relentless ability to adapt and survive.
Now fast forward a few short months and we were being faced with a global pandemic. A world being forced to a screeching halt by an invisible, powerful, and very deadly virus. And weeks later we all watched George Floyd’s life taken by a brutal and hideous act of violence. The outrage, the horror, and the injustice was blatant and impossible to ignore. As egregious and devastating as his murder was, It became a defining moment in millions of people’s lives and the tidal wave of racial consciousness that has flooded our world since then is nothing short of NECESSARY and POWERFUL.
I have made so many realizations in the past few weeks. I have had to examine my life in ways that at times I have felt embarrassed by, but am deeply grateful for. I am addressing subconscious biases, having tough conversations, and educating myself so I can be the ally I always imagined I was and to be the kind of mother my children need in order nurture the anti-racist upbringing I am committed to giving them. It has been nothing short of life changing and similar to the fracture I felt from the loss of my father…there is a ‘before’ and an ‘after’.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of my thoughts on how profoundly I have been changed in the past few weeks, but for today I would like to focus on The Happy Place. When I examined this destination, this place meant for joy, I realized it didn't represent the inclusion that reflects what I know in my heart I have always wanted it to represent. It wasn't a place that every person could visit and SEE themselves in and that was totally unacceptable. The Happy Place has always strived to be a celebration of joy in hopes it inspires all who visit to create their own version of what that is to them. And there is no way that we could support, uplift, and inspire without adding new bricks to our foundation. One that offers new and unique storytelling and perspectives, celebrates inclusivity, has tough conversations, and inspires a life of joy that every person who visits can identify with.
So, as we grow; as we learn; as we commit to building upon our foundation in the spirit of change and inclusion, I am excited to invite guest bloggers to use this platform as an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas of what The Happy Place looks like for them. I am welcoming unique and powerful voices to share who inspires them, in hopes that when you take a trip to The Happy Place it leads you to other incredible people who are changing the world through art, activism, health and entertainment. In short, we are opening our doors and I cannot express the gratitude I have for the women who are helping me do that.
I’m honored to be able to share what the happy place means to me and I hope to continue to inspire moments of joy in your own lives. My hope is that with the help of our guests, there will be new and diverse inspiration to enjoy and this beautiful corner of the world we are creating is one that everyone feels represented and celebrated.