Summer Scrapbooking
There is nothing I love more than a little project. And one that becomes a keepsake is even more exciting. So as we ushered in summer break, I took the girls to the craft store and asked them to pick out a sketchbook. I wasn’t sure where it would lead us, but the result has been truly heartwarming.
As a kid I loved scrapbooking and I was reminded of all those hours I spent cutting and pasting precious moments into scrapbooks that I still have to this day. In fact, one of my most treasured pictures of my father and I was memorialized in one of my scrapbooks from my teenage years. Now that he has passed, I look at that page and am reminded of that happy moment we shared, what it meant to me then, and how much it means to me now.
Fast forward to this summer, I can’t explain how special it has been to sit around our dining table and watch the girls cut and paste their way through their sketchbooks. It has been incredible to hear their stories and watch their creativity spark.
There are days we sit for an hour working on different pages, but just the other day Sailor came rushing in from outside and ran straight to their art cart.
She whipped out her book, some scissors, glue , and washi tape, and jotted down a few words about water balloons. She told me she had to ‘get the memory down’ and then ran right back out.
Their ‘Summer of 2023’ scrapbooks have turned into one of the most special projects we have ever made. It has really made them be present and think about the meaningful things they are experiencing. What was a simple trip to the craft store in search of an ‘activity’ really turned into a masterpiece that the girls will have for the rest of their lives. Until then, I will relish flipping through the pages and savoring the time spent and memories made.
I’ve listed everything we used in my LTK so that you can try this project with your little ones.