Gratitude Journals With The Girls
The last year has been enormously challenging for so many reasons. But in an effort to find those silver linings and the happiness in the ups and the downs (because I truly believe that it is always possible to find the joy even in the most difficult of times), I have treasured the uninterrupted time with the Nick and the girls. They have grown so much and I have loved taking the time to live life through their lenses. It’s easy to get caught up in the endless to do’s and slowing down has been a gift I will forever be grateful for. I have found myself finding new ways to soak up this time and using the precious minutes to hopefully nurture new and healthy outlets for the girls and their thoughts and feelings.
For me, one of the most powerful practices of self care has been journaling. I have diaries from when I was Emme’s age. And believe me they are quite entertaining! It was my private space to reflect and day dream and commemorate a moment in time that has been absolutely priceless to look back on.
So we have set aside a little time each month to journal together. Whether it’s a blank notebook to draw pictures in or posing questions that spark a conversation; this simple activity is a total gift. And, I promise, one you will treasure. We even found a monthly journal subscription called Silk and Sonder that has made it so easy to really indulge in all their thoughts and feelings!
As much as I would like to shelter the girls from all of the chaos in our world, I know that’s just not totally possible. Instead, we have taken a bite-sized approach and I’m amazed at just how connected they are to this moment in time in both big and small ways. We can learn so much from our little ones and I don’t want to forget a minute of this moment in time.
Next up, Time Capsules!